Friday, April 23, 2010


I didn't even know I had this picture. This is cape town. (And also the view I had when I jumped 10,000 feet from a plane). Annnyway, I really started appreciating nature and its beauty. I think the world is suuucch a beautiful place and its underrated all these natural landscapes that form all over the world. Just thought I'd share. Next time you're driving down to the keys or flying in a plane.. Look around you.. And then think next time you throw garbage on the floor or do other unsustainable things. Were killing our planet! GO GREEN!!!!
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Well I'm back! Sorry I haven't blogged recently but I've kinda let go of the whole phone/internet thing and like being detached. Anyway I'm here at iguasu falls and it is awesome! We already did a whole ropes course and ziplined through the jungle. This picture is from above the falls and we did a hike down to the catwalk thru the falls and I will send a picture of me soaking wet from the mist and huge splashes! So much adventure! Loving ittttt
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Well I'm back! Sorry I haven't blogged recently but I've kinda let go of the whole phone/internet thing and like being detached. Anyway I'm here at iguasu falls and it is awesome! We already did a whole ropes course and ziplined through the jungle. This picture is from above the falls and we did a hike down to the catwalk thru the falls and I will send a picture of me soaking wet from the mist and huge splashes! So much adventure! Loving ittttt
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sky Diving!

Hereeee I am all suited up! How's this for a story... All my girl friends went sky diving in hawaii (well at least the ones who wanted to go) and after seeing their videos I decided it was something I wanted to do. So I found a crew going in cape town.. First morning we arrive we go to the markets then to the van that's picking us up. I'm not so nervous because I knew what to expect after seeing everyones videos and even the girls who would be the biggest scaredy cats of life went and said they loved it so I really wasn't worried. We get to the hanger where the planes are and this guy in an accent is scremaing at all of us to make groups of three. There is 16 of us which is not divisable by three and I was in the group of four and he like kept yelling at us that were 4 people it was so weird but kinda funny so jon and deepaul put their names on the white board and then me and kyle do and were prepared to be the last group. I ask about getting a video and he says there is none, they're broken. I'm like YOUR KIDDING. Ur telling me I'm going to jump 10,000 feet out of a plane and I'm not going to be able to watch it afterwards. HA! He says I'm sorry blah blah blah... 10 minutes later this man comes back... WHERE IS MOLLY.... I say I'm right here... He goes who are you going with I say Kyle... WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET YOUR GEAR ON YOU GOTTA GO! I'm about to explain to him were supposed to go lasr but he cuts me off and says You wanted a camera pauls gunna film you. So off I went into my harness.. And kyle and I were the first ones to go. The plane ride up we were laughing and smiling and looking at the view. At this point I knew it was happening... The only way down was out of the plane so there was no turning back. We kept asking how high we were and our ansewers were 2 thousand, 4thousand (not even half way) so we stopped asking that question bc we didn't even wanna know! Paul my tandem starts screaming in my ear I can't hear a damn word he's saying something about left right left right I don't know. Next thing the plane door opens and we hear a big wooossh sound. 3 seconds later... Kyles out the door. Gone in a flash. Here's when I start freaking out! Paul is pushing me towards the door and I'm just saying oh no oh no oh noooooooo ahhhhh (as I'm zooming through the air at 120 miles per hour) then I start smiling and laughing and screaming this is amazing!!! Coolest thing I've ever done in my life. 30 seconds later he pulls the shoot and we go flying into the air! He steers the shoot around alittle and then let's me steer it. Spinning around in circles just looking and the view. Then pauls steers us home for a safe landing. And that was sky diving... So for those of you who are interested we can have a dvd watch party (in less than a month) when I come home!
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I hope everyone enjoyed their passover dinners! I was so sad I couldn't be with my family and friends this year, after all, passover is my favvvorite holiday! But not to worry, we had a very large ceder with over 100 people on the ship! And we went through the entire haggadah!! How crazy! Anyway the macaroons were AMAZING! And my friends had some yummy matzahball soup! I kept kosher for like two days.. The two days we had left on the ship till our arrival in south africa haha better luck next year! See you in jerusalem ;) mols
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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Troop Beverly Hills

Never fails to be the best movie to ever exist on this planet. I'm watching it for the third time on the ship and it is my pleasure to induct as many of my friends into the world of tbh. I'm watching with lil lacey rach and sam and only lacey has seen it before and she is so on my page about how unbelievable it is and I wanna just say every line because I know every line but I'm resisting so I don't ruin the entire movie for the rest of the bunch. Its soooo good I'm actually obsessed maybe the girls will let me reenact a scene or two when its done if I'm lucky. We shall seeeee!!!
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